6 trends that will change the way web development is done in 2022

Business that are looking to expand their digital presence often turn to web development companies to help them with their digital transformation efforts. Web development agencies are poised to make major changes in the industry in the next few years, especially when it comes to trends in technology and emerging markets like augmented reality and virtual reality. For this reason, businesses need to be aware of the six biggest trends that will change the way web development is done in 2022, especially if they want to stay ahead of the curve in the future. Here’s what those trends are
1. Design as a Strategy
As we’ve gone through each trend, I’ve included some thoughts on how to adapt and stay ahead of these changes. My advice? That you make design a key strategy for your business—not just a nice-to-have. You may not see every one of these themes coming, but even if you see just three, think about what impact they’ll have on your customers and competitors. And plan for those changes.
So what can you do today to make sure your business stays ahead of these trends? Start by investing in great design. A well-designed website, app, or even marketing material can make a big difference—and it should be a strategic investment, not an afterthought.
2. Embracing Chaos
We can predict what web technologies will exist regularly, but we can’t predict how companies are going to use those tools and processes. Sure, you might know what languages and tools you’ll be using next year—but you won’t have any idea how your clients will want to use them, which means your company may need to rethink your process from top to bottom as new systems emerge.
The result of all of these changes is a need for website development companies to embrace chaos. Right now, many of your company’s processes and tools may be very stable—but as more and more developers and clients embrace new tools, you’ll need to keep up with them.
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3. Industry 4.0
New web technologies are allowing developers to build smart or connected devices. These devices can communicate with other devices (including other machines and systems), as well as people, to improve business processes and enhance productivity. In turn, businesses are investing more money into hardware and software solutions designed to help them cut costs and boost revenue. As these advancements continue throughout industry 4.0, web developers should expect a rise in demand for smart-device development and applications over time, which could lead to more employment opportunities by 2022.
- The Internet of Things (IoT) It’s estimated that there are already 5 billion IoT devices out there, with projections expecting more than 25 billion devices by 2020. As more businesses adopt and invest in new technologies, such as cloud-based services, demand for web developers who can build and support these types of applications should rise.
4. Microservices
Microservices architecture—also known as service-oriented architecture (SOA)—makes it easier to build scalable, dynamic applications. As an approach to software development, microservices break down large programs into separate modules; these modules can be reused and scaled independently. According to our research at Mercury Performance Labs, almost every major cloud provider (including Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure) has rolled out a platform or product with microservices capabilities.
This trend isn’t just about cloud providers; major software companies, including Google and Microsoft, have rolled out products to help developers build microservices-based applications.
5. Front-End Components
The new norm in web development, front-end components are quickly taking over as a must-have for any project. Instead of forcing developers to install components on their servers and using code to run them, you simply install front-end components like Wix or Joomla! If your client wants drag-and-drop functionality, it’s possible with these tools. You won’t need to spend hours trying to set up your website so users can add content; every thing you want is already include.
6. Back-End Integration
Web development was once a solitary art, but these days every application has a back-end component that needs to integrate with others. Modern developers need an extensive understanding of APIs and integration technologies to make sure everything works smoothly. Once you’ve mastered these tools, you’ll be at home building any kind of app on any platform.